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All About

An adventure in backend javascript.
Node.js is a server-side javascript runtime based on Google Chrome's javascript engine (V8).
Node.js is highly concurrent. It is based on the principle of non-blocking I/O. This achieved using the event loop pattern.

Two Approaches to I/O

Performance Comparison

Node.js, in short, performs suprisingly well - despite some of the stigma that Javascript usually attracts.
But the real reson that Node.js is so popular is its, ease of use. Node makes programming simple. This makes it a great language for prototyping and hackathons.

Basic Node.js Example

Node.js Modules

Node.js Modules (cont.)

Node.js Packages

Node.js Packages (cont.)

But how do we keep track of all the packages that people write?

Node.js Package Manager

Using NPM

Using NPM (cont.)

Common Uses of Node.js

Live Coding Demo
Building a Node.js Webserver in less than 30 minutes

Getting Node.js

Happy Hacking!